LA PIAUTRE 2019 Petit Lot Version Française

LA PIAUTRE 2019 Petit Lot Version Française

  • 0,7l
  • 46%
  • Case of 6
  • Packaging ETUI
In 2013, after setting up a malthouse on the site and building a solid network with local farmers, Vincent Lelièvre, owner of the La Piautre brewery, finally felt ready to start producing whisky. The adventure began with Gilles Boudier, an artisanal distiller from Vihiers, distilling over a wood fire. Then, in 2017, the brewery acquired two Charentais pellet stills and became a fully-fledged distillery. Resolutely artisanal, able to trace each batch distilled from field to bottle, La Piautre offers vibrant, farmhouse single malts with unique cereal flavour profiles.
  • Exclu LMDW
In 2013, after setting up a malthouse on the site and building a solid network with local farmers, Vincent Lelièvre, owner of the La Piautre brewery, finally felt ready to start producing whisky. The adventure began with Gilles Boudier, an artisanal distiller from Vihiers, distilling over a wood fire. Then, in 2017, the brewery acquired two Charentais pellet stills and became a fully-fledged distillery. Resolutely artisanal, able to trace each batch distilled from field to bottle, La Piautre offers vibrant, farmhouse single malts with unique cereal flavour profiles.