OCHO 2023 "Plata" - Puntas

OCHO 2023 "Plata" - Puntas

  • 0,7l
  • 53%
  • Case of 6
  • Packaging SANS
This second release of Tequila Ocho Puntas, overproof at 5 3 abv, is for the tequila
connoisseur who enjoys the full essence of the agave plant and a complex, masterful
cut by the hand of the distiller
Historically, the “ of agave spirits have long been considered the most coveted
part of the distillate and are traditionally set aside by the producer to be enjoyed with
friends and family on special occasions Puntas are a very small “ at the early
stages of distillation, at the end of the “ and beginning of the “ For this
reason, the quantity produced is extremely limited Our “Distiller’s Cut” comes off the
still around 128 proof and is reduced to 10 6 proof using deep well water At this
strength we find a high concentration of flavors, while remaining extremely enjoyable
to sip and savor neat
This Puntas vintage uses agaves harvested earlier this year from rancho Mesa
Colorada, a field located 28 km from Los Alambiques distillery Its characteristic rich
red soil combined with its high elevation and plateau like positioning, has produced
the purest, ripest agave, with a very high 33 sugar content for the piñas, resulting in
a truly exceptional tequila
The 2023 release a follow up to the first ever Puntas release in 2021 is quite special,
for so many reasons First, it is high proof artisanal tequila (rare to see in today’s
booming tequila world), even higher proof than the first release, now bottled at 106
proof vs 101 Secondly, this release was blended and hand selected by the finest group
of highly recognized tequila lovers and agave aficionados from around the world
Names like Lucas Assis joined us at the distillery barrel cellar and collaborated with
Jesse Estes, Carlos Camarena and his family in hand assembling the blend choosing
the proof The likes of Romy Newland wrote the very tasting notes you’ll find on the
back label This was made for and assembled by true agave aficionados, and should be
enjoyed with no less enthusiasm, for this is truly one of the great tequilas found in the
market today
  • Exclu LMDW
This second release of Tequila Ocho Puntas, overproof at 5 3 abv, is for the tequila
connoisseur who enjoys the full essence of the agave plant and a complex, masterful
cut by the hand of the distiller
Historically, the “ of agave spirits have long been considered the most coveted
part of the distillate and are traditionally set aside by the producer to be enjoyed with
friends and family on special occasions Puntas are a very small “ at the early
stages of distillation, at the end of the “ and beginning of the “ For this
reason, the quantity produced is extremely limited Our “Distiller’s Cut” comes off the
still around 128 proof and is reduced to 10 6 proof using deep well water At this
strength we find a high concentration of flavors, while remaining extremely enjoyable
to sip and savor neat
This Puntas vintage uses agaves harvested earlier this year from rancho Mesa
Colorada, a field located 28 km from Los Alambiques distillery Its characteristic rich
red soil combined with its high elevation and plateau like positioning, has produced
the purest, ripest agave, with a very high 33 sugar content for the piñas, resulting in
a truly exceptional tequila
The 2023 release a follow up to the first ever Puntas release in 2021 is quite special,
for so many reasons First, it is high proof artisanal tequila (rare to see in today’s
booming tequila world), even higher proof than the first release, now bottled at 106
proof vs 101 Secondly, this release was blended and hand selected by the finest group
of highly recognized tequila lovers and agave aficionados from around the world
Names like Lucas Assis joined us at the distillery barrel cellar and collaborated with
Jesse Estes, Carlos Camarena and his family in hand assembling the blend choosing
the proof The likes of Romy Newland wrote the very tasting notes you’ll find on the
back label This was made for and assembled by true agave aficionados, and should be
enjoyed with no less enthusiasm, for this is truly one of the great tequilas found in the
market today